Sri Lankan martial artists in wave-Island maga. lk (subscription)

February 26, 2011, 2: 58 pm


By Nagahawatte happy

Buzzing arts scene in Sri Lanka with a fighting style named introduction of maga inhabitants. This martial art of fighting Israel by style provides the cultivation with enough more testimonials how to eliminate threats from enemies. According to the President and head of the branch of the battle of Sri Lanka, touch, style of combat Wijesiri it would be useful to more people the strength and security companies.

Wijesiri said Sunday Island Sportstar that there is a huge demand to study this martial art instructors from Israel after the word had come round to Sri Lanka, he taught the basic principles of art to Sri Lanka.

The formal definition of maga; It is easy to learn battle tested Israel of self-defense, combat tactics, and realistic scenarios with rapid muscle memory techniques to determine an instinctive, rather than to escape a threat.

Wijesiri, a touch to bring all happened in Sri Lanka thanks to its well-maintained site that is loaded with information about his karate "and yoga classes.

"A man called Sathis Thiramunige, who resides in Italy, called me one day and said he was interested in opening a touch Institute for Sri Lanka. He said he reviewed most of the Web sites maintained by masters of martial arts and is impressed with their Web site. We had a training camp in Sri Lanka this month first maga, now the next step will be to that office so the Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka, neighbouring countries martial artists can come to do the course, "he said.

According to the source of the battle of Wijesiri, a hot date back to 1940. This fighting style martial art founded by a man called IMI, Israel experienced Commando. Fighting style was already jealously by the Israelis, the outside world. But after the year 2000, touch the World Federation of the Union decided to open the doors vagpim to learn a martial art.

Wijesiri, who is high for all styles of martial arts, said that there is a growing interest to learn maga Sri Lanka. The day I get calls from people who want to learn this art. Most questions come from the forces, "he said.

A few weeks training camp here Wijesiri maga lovers by approximately 700 people. Camps training in-house, successful work of the army, Navy, police, air force, presidential security were in battle. There is also an area that includes weapons training, it would be more comprehensive in the area in which to learn during the course after the Institute opens in Sri Lanka. Today we use pacifiers only for that part of the training, he said.

Wijesiri said that eager to deepen his knowledge of martial arts he had found a new fighting style. As martial arts instructors, we always attempts to learn effective techniques offered in other styles. There was something I had to bring attractive when the first attempt to mine this martial style. When you look closely, there seems to be that they will bring and other styles. How many times it seems an entirely new experience. This is the beauty of this combat, self-defense style of martial art. I got involved in a battle that saw an opportunity to touch, especially that Sri Lanka could benefit this martial art, martial style and I am moving it, "he said.

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