Libresco: offense of disengagement-Yale daily news

By Leah LibrescoStaff ColumnistFriday, March 4, 2011

Battle of touch, martial art used by Israeli security forces, the only defense is an offense. Last week Israeli Guide, hosted by the Yale friends of Israel, Yale enrollments, the company opened its spyware by explaining the karate Club, Yale, "self-defense is only a legal term. If you're struggling, you should be on the attack or you lose. "

After a few practice sessions where accepted out of chokehold by and my validity by the socket of the eye, pulls it off me and then the knee him in the face "until he does not feel like fighting anymore", I had to take a break. Once my adrenaline was going down, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. The logic of the battle of touch sounds disturbingly close to rhetoric I used to hear from neocon hawks push pre-emptive strike, ?????? protection as exhibits.

As I am prone to pantomimed kicking an opponent in the face, I felt like I was endorsing the rhetoric of total war championed by Bush and Rumsfeld. After I returned to my room, do a little more research on the history of the battle of touch, but it was clear to politicians to embrace the philosophy of overwhelming aggression did not understand the logical conclusions of their argument. At the very least, I hope they don't.

The real purpose of the battle of touch is logging off, offense as defense is the best technique to achieve this goal. Strategy tailored to a specific type of battle. It is descended from street fighting techniques of IMI Lichtenfeld IMI, who taught the young Jews how to protect themselves against fascists what is now Slovakia. In these scenarios Guide discussed, the priority was to flee. Damaged your opponents only for the purpose of getting them to stop hit you or just to make them pause long enough to make this sequence.

This technique works when you get over if mugged or have jumped by thugs who are not inclined to continue the fight later. If attackers know where you live, your, ever could end the fight by running away. They had just come back better prepared next time. Our guide was at the front about the limitations of each martial art, tell us, ' if someone really wants to kill you, there are some training, probably indeed. You can't protect yourself anywhere. "

This is the situation in Israel and other countries find themselves when they turn to the terrorists. When you can't escape, you have two options: find a way to prevent the battle or to commit to a total war. Although ramping down aggressiveness and restart the peace process seems impossible, the alternative is unacceptable.

In the struggle against the Tamil Tigers, Sri Lanka took offense as defense until the entire logical, gory. The Government of Sri Lanka struggled for years to suppress the rebellion, with little success. After the dissolution of the cease-fire in 2008, the Government of Sri Lanka carried out wild attack against rebels and civilians that culminated with coordinated artillery attack on a safe area reserved for refugees noncombatants. Tamils were slaughtered and the Government of Sri Lanka are currently engaged in forced resettlement, to prevent any opposition is coordinated among the survivors.

And, as reported in an article by John Anderson Lee for the New Yorker, conferences on counter-terrorism, Pentagon officials have praised Sri Lanka success. Success was born of genocide must not be worthy of praise.

Politicians should pause before they use the language of the pre-emptive aggression of overwhelming force. We are not in the street that we can get, we will not attack you can collapse and Governments to be formed. We are fighting insurgent networks blur collectives. If we do not have the power to defeat them, we need to find a way to make the struggle against unwanted get-go. Otherwise we are committing ourselves to end military and increasing damage on both sides. Hurts more to fight, the more tempting it can be terminated using the brutal tactics of the total war of Sri Lanka.

Maybe the hawks Washington should take a lesson from the battle of touch that told us the best possible result is avoiding combat altogether. "You need to be assertive," he said, "but the only guarantee that aggression will beat you."

Leah Libresco is senior Jonathan Edwards College. Her column runs on Fridays.

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