Smart Traveler women selected: Julie Barron Morrill-Reuters

By Carol Margolis on

Fri 18/2011 8 pm

Why are you on the road, how often you travel?

I travel approximately 2-3 times a month for work and pleasure. I emergency management consultant, traveling frequently to meet with customers, manage training or make emergency drills and exercises. I'm lucky my job takes me all over the USA and the world. My most common destination is Washington, DC.

Elsewhere you like to visit and do not use any travel sites to help you?

I like to go to places that I have never — is a fascinating discovery!  I was in India recently for a vacation and travel occasionally to the Middle East. San Francisco, Washington, New York, are perennial favorites for good food and a large cumulative.

I am a vegetarian, so I'd like to explore my targets carefully to find good restaurants. are the sites my set up. I am also a dedicated runner, enthusiast maga (maga is developed by Israel martial arts system), so research trails works well on a Web site of USA track and field ( dwelling battle ( for the destination.

What are the challenges you would like to reduce your travel?

My challenges are looking for healthy eating with food, safe work or training. Fortunately, the spread of basic foods to perfection is a gem. Food is usually my first stop in the city. Which two can be difficult, though. When traveling, working days begin very early. It is too dark to act strange in the city before dawn, so I cherish Hotel gyms are open 24 hours. I'm a madman in the news at: 4: 30 PM.

What are some pearls of wisdom that you want to travel to share with other travellers for women?

I think many women fear unwelcome for safety reasons and security, which is a valid concern, but not larger. There are a few tips I give my students and my female self-defence classes that I teach.

1. be observant

If I can only recommend one thing that will help people stay safe it would be: who.  Be observant helps you to detect potentially dangerous situations, so you can prevent or prepare for them. Therefore, the mobile phone, send the text when you are in a safe location. Observe your surroundings.  Know where you and around you.  Note that.

2. be sure

Pickpockets, thieves and predators such as lions are sexual: they like easy prey.  Therefore, to be easy prey!  Who your environment (see Tip # 1), above all, be safe!  (Fake it if you have.)  Project power, and less likely to be a target.  Nobody wants to deal with a woman who is calm, cool and collected.

3. trust your intuition

You know just a little wrong on the back of your mind tells you something?  This feeling is valid.  These feelings of trust and act on them.

4. it should be "says," when you need

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