An Israeli military training her muscles through maga into midtown New York-broke the (blog)

X like us, and you can find the top news in your Facebook newsfeed. Sign up for our daily email newsletter and get the top stories and breaking news straight to your Inbox. Thursday, April 17, 2011, by Izzy Grinspan


Good news, the only hard vishbnim-buttocks: maga Israeli just signed the lease on Second Avenue, 49th. Battle of touch is a technical program self-defense also served as a training ground by the Israeli army, but civilians Chen for cardio. We're assuming the ?????? second avenue to see more ladies Lululemon than people who know their Uzi; There are 2,600 square meters and occupy the lowest level of luxury housing new called Alexander.
· Bring it on! To welcome the fitness program [new]
· Maga Israeli [official site]
· Alexander [official site]

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