IDF techniques in Melbourne-J-thread of Australian Jewish News Service

Browse > Home/News/IDF techniques in Melbourne 13 March 2011 by a team of j-wire

Battle of touch, a form of self defense exercise developed by the Israeli defence forces, in Melbourne.

Rabbi Daniel Rabin and Abraham Yemini mezzuzah join the audience watch the demo

IDF training is to teach people of all ages how to protect themselves against physical attacks, including those involving knives or sticks.

Recently, more than 200 people attended the open day of the organization in which the head guide Szafran Benji demonstrated the method of self-defense.

Was held in Bratislava 1930a, another battle of touch was developed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), is currently being used by several law enforcement agencies in the world, including the best-known New York police, S.W.A.T, the FBI, the secret service of the United States and the United States Marines.

The main IDF training Abraham Yemini said: "this is about protecting yourself from all types of violence. These tactics could save your life in case of attack. Anyone can learn how to protect themselves, including women and children. "

Rabbi Daniel Rabin of Chabad of Melbourne campus joined the Yemeni mezzuzah to attach to the door of a new training facility to Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield.

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