Paul Vunak How to Win a Fight on Your Back Rapid Assault Tactics

Paul Vunak How to Win a Fight on Your Back Rapid Assault TacticsThese Moves WORK in Real Life!

After all, that's what they were designed for. They are most certainly NOT for "sport". (If they were, the first fight would have also been the last!)

You see, humans don't fight like this for sport. But as you'll see when you watch How To Win a FIght on Your BACK, this Filipino martial art will turn you into "a human pit bull" - capable of overcoming ANY opponent you face on the street... but especially when you find yourself up against someone who's just a better fighter than you are!

This art was developed specifically for the worst situations you ever find yourself in. It gives you the INSTANT advantage you need no matter how big, how strong, or how well-trained your attacker is!

This is your only chance at survival against a ground fighting master or escaping from the grasp of a 300 lbs Giant! What you're going to learn from Paul Vunak on How To Win a Fight on Your Back will give YOU the skills necessary to Win the fight and get home to your family - even if you don't have any other fighting skills to speak of !


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